
17 Jan 2019

Musicaneo’s review of Pamela Piersyn’s composition, The Swan!

The piano miniature is one of the most beloved genres among the composers of different historical epochs. Works of many composers, such as Schumann, Grieg, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Debussy, Scriabin, Mussorgsky and others, are strongly associated with this genre. It gained great popularity in the Romantic period and still in our own time the repertoire of many modern interpreters includes pieces of this genre. The piano miniature with its tight form, is a reflection of brief emotions, of a quickly vanishing image or a barely conscious thought. All works of Pamela Piersyn, which you can find on Load.CD, are piano miniatures. "The Swan" can be described as a lyrical miniature, written in a romantic style. The composer chose a simple binary form and the soft and velvet timbre of A major tonality to express her artistic idea. The concise form and the light texture let you focus on the most important element - the stunning melody, creating in our mind the image of a beautiful swan, sliding on the waves and embodying incredible beauty. F sharp minor in the second section and a descending sequence introduce an element of drama to the piece and impart a feeling of something irretrievably lost. But, like a light breeze, ascending scale passages pull us out of the gloom of the middle register. And like a bright ray of hope, the initial phrase of the first section is repeated at the end of the piece. The composer managed to create a piece complete in form and idea. Thanks to the colorful imagery and the simplicity of its form, "The Swan" will be interesting to musicians with different skill levels. Beginners can include this piano miniature in their practice, and experienced musicians will find a few minutes of rest while playing it. If you want to indulge in a world of warmth and tranquility after a hard and hasty day, you just need to touch the piano keys, and an image of a graceful white swan, sliding smoothly on the water, rises up in your mind from the very first sounds of this wonderful piece.



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